Thursday, August 4, 2011

Bad Combo

Stephen and I just got back from visiting Croatia with our friends Mark & Lauren (more about that in a later post). While we were there, we rented a boat for the day and explored the islands around Hvar. I was climbing into the boat from the water and slipped and fell, scraping my side all along my ribs. I hit pretty hard and my ribs have been super sore ever since. I also have a cough that I haven't been able to get rid of for several weeks. Guess what makes a terrible combination? The feeling of a fractured rib and a persistent, wake-me-up-in-the middle-of-the-night cough! I went to the doctor yesterday and he loaded me up with drugs. In the meantime, I swear I can feel something inside my ribcage move when I cough.


  1. Feel better soon! Any bruise pictures you can post? :)

  2. I actually did take a picture! There's not much of a bruise, not like my skiing bruises anyway, more like a scrape. I'll post it with my Croatia pictures later.
