Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Reflexology Heaven

This past weekend Stephen and I visited a spa down the road from us that specializes in reflexology.

Have you ever experienced this?  Oh my gosh it's the best thing in the world.  Regular massages are great and I do enjoy them, but for some reason it takes me a while to relax and by the time I'm fully relaxed the massage is usually almost over.  I have learned to combat this with 90 min massages instead of 60 min (sacrifices must be made) and with a cocktail of Benadryl and red wine about 30 mins before.  But, reflexology is awesome from the first minute.  

The first time I ever experienced reflexology was for my 30th birthday when our friends Byron and Amanda came to visit and Amanda and I went to the Crescent for massages.  She surprised me with an extra reflexology treatment added onto the end.  After that massage + reflexology, I could hardly move my body back down the hall to the lounge.  Complete massage drunkness.  I don't think I've experienced reflexology since then, but after this past Saturday I am sold.  I was in a dark room in one of those zero gravity chairs that lean all the way back with your feet up in the air, but I was a little wary at first because there were about seven chairs, with seven people plus therapists, in this one room.  Everybody's appointments start at a different time so people are constantly coming and going.  Not totally conducive to utter relaxation.  But as soon as she started massaging my feet it was all over - I didn't notice anything else in the room at all, I was practically asleep.  The whole thing lasted for an hour and it was FABULOUS.  

Here is what's behind reflexology - "Reflexologists believe that feet mirror the body.  All organs, systems and glands of the body can be mapped onto areas of the feet called reflex points.  A reflexologist knows how to stimulate the reflex points in order to bring about a response in the corresponding part of the body."  

I don't know about all that, all I can say is that it's the best thing I've ever experienced in a spa, hands down!

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